Special Acknowledgement to Reviewers


With the publication of Vol. 4, Issue 3, JOD completes its fourth year of publishing articles on organization design. We are very proud of the 43 articles published in the last six issues of the journal, and we look forward to seeing JOD grow and expand.

We want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank the reviewers of the papers submitted to Volumes 3 and 4.

Andy Neely, University of Cambridge

Bart Vanneste, UCL School of Management

Chi-Hyon Lee, George Mason University

Christopher Lettl, Vienna University of Economics and Business

Dorthe Døjbak Håkonsson, Aarhus University

Elena Vidal, Zicklin School of Business

Rick Edgeman, Utah State University

Jakob Kjær Eskildsen, Aarhus University

Janet Bercovitz, University of Illinois

Dolly Mastrangelo

Fabrizio Salvador, IE Business School

Magdalena Dobrajska, Copenhagen Business School

Magnus Broundal, VELUX A/S

Marlo Raveendran, University of California, Riverside

Phanish Puranam, INSEAD

Richard M. Burton, Duke University

Timothy N. Carroll, University of South Carolina

Vikas Aggarwal, Carnegie Mellon University